I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Mike Williams at 0830 hrs. Members present: Larry Helsley, Bill Britton, Arden Potter, and George Owen. Members absent: None. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Jim Underwood, Frank DeNatale, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.
III. CLOSED SESSION: Discussion of possible Appointment of Fire Chief/Marshal – Entered into closed session at 0940 hrs.
IV. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION: Discussion/Action regarding procedures continuing the hiring process for the Fire Chief/Marshal position. – reconvene from closed session at 1015 hrs. – No reported actions.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of October 6, 2015 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
MSC Owen/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve Surplus of E- 2113/Report on Apparatus Condition – Chief Alvord handed out an outline of the apparatus condition. Discussion on improvements, tire safety, and OES surplus. Discussion on Southern Trinity needing an engine; E-2113 would suit their needs.
MSC Britton/Helsley to declare E-2113 as surplus and to offer it to Southern Trinity Volunteer Fire Department at no cost.
B. Discuss/Approve Policy #3006.1-Billing for services outside of District Boundaries – Tabled from October 6, 2015 meeting – Discussion on policies vs ordinances. Will need to rescind Ordinance before policies on the same subject can be enforced.
This item tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
C. Discuss/Approve Policy #3002.6 – Apparatus Fees for Incident response-Tabled from October 6, 2015 meeting. – Short discussion on changes needed.
This item tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
D. Discuss/Approve Policy #3006.3 – Fees for Prevention Services-Short discussion on rates and services.
This item tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
E. Discuss/Approve Policy #3006.4 – Fees for Hall Rental – Discussion on admin charges, chair and table rental.
This item tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Program will start next week. Requested more money from Title III.
B. Fire Chief/Marshall Report:
· Passed final inspection on dorms
· Henry is putting up gutters on dorms
· Back steps on dorms fixed with a larger landing
· Front bay building will be fixed soon
· Security of building
· Weather stripping for bay doors
· Hand railing on the side steps of Station 1
· Hose rack is being fixed
· Structure fire on Center Street
· Cal-Fire fire setter program
· Engine inspections after fires
· Inspections on County buildings tomorrow
· Couple of inquiries on building on vacant land
C. Fire Department Report: No
D. Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie moving out, Jon Gier moving in.
E. Committee Reports:
· Recruitment Committee: Bill Britton patted himself on the back for recruiting such a highly qualified potential Chief.
· Collection Committee: No report
· Contract Committee: Discussion on background check and medical exam for any potential hire for the Chief’s position.
· Tuition Committee: Various members being sent to classes and continuing education classes.
· Budget Committee: No report.
F. Director Reports: Potter – Happy about the Chief position recruitment process so far. Owen – inquired about the Fire Chief’s Meeting.
VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Underwood- Rotary club has set up a way for people to donate to emergency responders in Trinity County, to replenish effects of this past fire season. Approximately 5-6 k has been collected and wanted direction on where the money is needed in the County.
X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1124 hrs.
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Mike Williams, Chairman Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board